About Lukemade


MY NAME IS LUKE, AND I AM PASSIONATE ABOUT become a better digital creative (And helping others to do the same)

Lukemade is my creative platform where I talk about thriving as a creative multipotentialite in online spaces, digital business and marketing, expressing through the medium of tabletop roleplaying games, and creative software development.

My Values

As a creative person on the internet who is presuming much to share my experiences with you, I think it’s important for you to know the values that I hold close behind the scenes, those that are real drivers of what I want to accomplish with Lukemade.

Some of these are newly adopted as core values, discovered and being cultivated as part of my work to evolve my creativity and myself.


Creativity is what drives me. It’s the spark that fires up my imagination and lets me see challenges in totally new ways. Embracing creativity allows me to think outside the box, try novel ideas, and just have fun bringing new stuff into the world. Whether it’s writing a cool story, designing a useful product, or exploring uncharted philosophical territory, creativity is my compass for self-expression and growth.


Innovation is the catalyst constantly propelling me into new frontiers. It’s the restless spirit driving me to seek better ways, challenge the norm, and push what’s possible. Innovation sparks my endless curiosity – I’m always asking questions, exploring unconventional ideas, and embracing the unknown enthusiastically. By championing innovation, I aim to leave an enduring impact, contribute something new to society, and inspire others to tap into their own limitless potential.


Passion is the fire burning inside me, pushing me forward with unbridled enthusiasm. It’s the force that sets my soul ablaze and infuses purpose into everything I do. Passion fuels my commitment to the pursuits that truly matter – I’ll pour my time and energy into them relentlessly. With passion leading the way, I charge into challenges head-on, savor every moment, and find fulfillment in tirelessly chasing my dreams.


Authenticity is quickly becoming the bedrock my life is built on. It’s my devotion to living as my true self – owning my unique perspectives, strengths, and vulnerabilities. Authenticity empowers me to boldly express my genuine thoughts and feelings, fostering deep connections. It’s the foundation that allows me to navigate life’s challenges with integrity while fully respecting myself. Honoring authenticity is helping me to continue to grow a life brimming with meaning, courage and self-growth.

This Is Lukemade

Lukemade is all about thriving as a creative in online spaces, digital business and marketing, playing and publishing tabletop roleplaying games, and creative software development.

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